I was talking with a client this week, Dr. Anne Hallward who produces Safe Space Radio in Maine. Anne is recruiting a producer to work with her, and she and I discussed what qualities a producer should have: We made quite a list:
- A broad education
- Grant writing experience
- Smart and intuitive
- A good feel for the subject matter of the show
- Specific radio skills
- Journalistic experience and judgment
- Good writer
- Prolific with ideas
- Maturity
- Creativity
- Pragmatic, not flakey
- Reliable
- Understands and listens to public radio
- Passionate
- Good contacts and booking ability
- Shows evidence of having done homework and listening to your show
- Interest in the job and comfort with the salary
- Articulate
- Curious
- Energetic
- A team player
- Knows the region or territory
- Experience supervising staff and freelancers
I am sure you could add to this list. In the meantime, though, I suggested a device I have used before – a matrix with the most important qualities, each weighted in terms of importance to the show. Something that looks like this.
PS: Here’s an alternative approaching to hiring! From an ad for a support position at BuzzFeed:
“Instead of a cover letter, please send us instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Text, images, video… the format for your PB&J tutorial is up to you, as long following your instructions results in a really delicious sandwich.”